I thank Prof. MITSUI for the possibility to express my thoughts on the influence of music on man.


As a Greek, I think of the importance of the Olympic Games. Of course, you all know the athletic competitions, but I want to tell you one thing from the history of my homeland that no longer all people know.


During the ancient Olympic Games, weapons had to be silent throughout Greece.


Cities that were at war with each other but had to be at peace for the time of the Games.


Instead of gun noise, music sounded. So, the music moves freely, just like the Olympic spirit.




When we play side by side, we read the same musical text there are no differences among the musicians, language, religion, origin and the law.


All these differences suddenly disappear. Everything we humans perceive is heard in the music.


The main disciplines in ancient Greece were: music, gymnastics and writing!


Also mathematics, philosophy and others.




This shows us that body, music mathematics and philosophy are connected. Yes, harmonious person!


Greek: „HARMONIA“ also means mixing and synthesizing opposing elements as they exist in the body.


Learning music is understood by Pythagoras as the basis for learning all other disciplines.


Pythagoras is the first to speak a type of music therapy that has a positive effect on the psyche.


Music is not only medicine for the soul, music influences the total physical health.


Conversely, certain music can also have negative effects on psyche and body.


Think of directions like „Techno“, „Death Metal“ or „Heavy Metal“.


Without responsible adult guidance, young people nowadays usually have access to every kind of music and image on the internet.


In addition, popular music videos are often aggressive and full of allusions to violent sexuality characterized by a lack of respect for the opposite sex.


Plato was very critical in dealing with novel music and recognized the risks of the negative influence of certain music on humans.


Not for aesthetic, but for political reasons, because today´s child is tomorrow´s citizen.


It is completely incomprehensible that music is being pushed back in schools all over the world.


Music is ethic education. Music opens the thoughts. It promotes creativity and intellectual ability.


According to many psychologists and brain researchers, it influences interpersonal relationships and promotes the performance of the human brain.


It makes people smarter and thus creates the basis of true knowledge.


In music education you have to learn to hear sound in order to learn music. Through the ear, the sounds strike the body, soul and spirit.


Attentively listening to music always arouses feelings.


The human experiences a movement inside the body and different emotions up to the ecstasy.


If we were to make politicians around the world listen to good music and perhaps even perform music themselves, there would certainly be less aggressiveness in the world.


Or do I dream??


Do we have to meet the taste of the people, or do we have to train it? Today we find ourselves in a cultural, social and societal crisis situation. Music is an appeal to love, hope and peace!


The dream of man, the longing of the soul is to live in peace.


Do you believe with me that harmonic sounds of music as a message can embrace the whole world?


Music as an Olympic flame should move, unfold and harmonize with the order of nature.


This is the basis for talking to each other and for a better world.