This concert has been planned as part of the Five Continents Marathon Peace Concert 2020. Based in Hiroshima, the Association of Harmony for Peace and Hope is holding a series of concerts over 5 continents this year.


Established to pray for the abolition of nuclear weapons and preservation of our environment on Earth, the Five Continents Marathon Peace Concert 2020 is calling for participants to perform music for world peace. Starting with concerts held in Hiroshima in January of 2020, performances by those who endorse our mission statement will be held in countries on all 5 continents. In addition, our symbolic event is a performance to be held on May 9 in New York City at the United Nations Headquarters, where the U.N. Orchestra will play the 9th Symphony by L.V. Beethoven.


[A Message from the Association of Harmony for Peace and Hope]


After being destroyed by an atomic bomb, the people of Hiroshima reconstructed their city by uniting their voices in song to find the light of hope. Like them, we believe in the power of music. In 2020, we would like to propose a world without nuclear weapons, a peaceful world in which the environment is protected, to people around the world. By receiving the endorsement of everyone on all 5 continents, we believe that a peaceful world can become a reality for the first time ever.